
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Women Leaders Need Each Other with Denise Horan
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Denise Horan has been in the game long enough to have amassed the wisdom needed to succeed that is both practical and highly personal.
Denise is a sales, marketing and management powerhouse who offers private sales and management coaching, and strategic business development planning.
In our conversation today, Denise went beyond effective business skills and shared with us what it takes to be a woman leader who juggles multiple responsibilities at work and at home.
Key takeaways:
~The importance of friendships where we're allowed to be vunerable and messy, yet still be seen for who we really are.
~ The ecessity of acknowledging what's good in the world instead of what's going wrong with it.
~ The best leaders are the ones who have empathy, understanding and compassion for those they lead.
Denise is the founder and principal of Integrated Management & Sales Consulting. In late 2023, Densie launched a national sales platform, Sales Club USA, where sales and other professionals can go for resources, events, clubs, and guest speakers.
Prior to establishing Integrated Management & Sales Consulting, she was Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Eastern Connection, where she lead a 28-member team across 13 states. Under her leadership, Eastern Connection generated record slaes growth while reducing sles costs to produce unprecedented earning.
In addition to having articles published in Office World News, Parcel Shipping and Distribution, Women@Work and The Capital District Review, Denise launched her first book, Stories from the Sales Field, which is available on Amazon and at www.denisehoran.com.
Connect with Denise at the following locations:

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Knowing Your Character Strengths with Hope deRocha
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Listen to my conversation with Hope to discover how knowing your strengths can make you happier, more confident and more self aware.
Key takeaways:
~When you train yourself to recognize your own character strengths you can clarity and become more creative.
~Your strengths are a toolbox: when you apply them intentionally it's motivating, exciting and gives you the will to get things done - your way.
~When you lead from your strengths, you improve both your well being and business outcomes.
~If your talents aren't in line with your values, you won't feel motivated or fulfilled.
Hope deRocha is a Whole Life Coach, Well Being Consultant and Creative Champion. She helps to transforms organizations and individuals through the power of character strengths - a groundbreaking approach that unlocks hidden potential and drives positive change.
Hope has shared her insights with prestigious organizations, including the Capital Region Women's Business Council, Capital Region Human Resource Association, Empire State Society for Association Executives and the National Business Officers Association.
Contact Hope:
Instagram: Hope1DeRocha

Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Be in Love With This Life with Bonny Boice
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
In this episode with executive coach Bonny Boice, we hear wise words on the importance of self awareness, self reflection in our lives.
Key takeaways:
~ Why we flourish when we're seen, heard and understood.
~ We spend so much time trying to be right A better question is, how can I be wrong?
~ The "inside job" is to recognize what's already been given to us.
~ Can we be self aware enough to know we have choice in what we do?
Behind every impactful leader is a positive support structure and within that support structure is an executive coach. Bonny is the owner of bgb consulting and retreats, LLC. She has over 35 years of leadership experience inclusiding all three C-suite roles at a billion dollar non profit organization.
As a certified professional coach with a Bachelors in Business Administration and a Masters in Management with concentration in nonprofit leadership, Bonny has had enormous sucess coaching leaders and facilitating organizations to achieve their vision.
With Bonny's unique approach, aligning mind, body and emotions, leaders reach new levels of joy, fulfillment and success both personally and professionally.
Bonny can be reached at bonnyboice@gmail.com, www.bonnyboice.com and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/bonnyboice/.

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Happiness and Life Transitions with Sabrina Mosseau
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Join me with my guest, Sabrina Mosseau, as we explore the role of happiness and its role in the coming together of our head, heart, and soul. Sabrina shares with us how she sees happiness and what we love as a compass for navigating our choices.
Key takeaways:
Embrace Small Joys: Happiness often lies hidden in simple, everyday moments— like the joy of being greeted by your pets or the unexpected delight of tactile experiences. These small joys play a major role in having a fulfilling life.
Being Authentic Rather than Pretending: Pretending to be happy when you're not can harm your mental health over time. It's crucial to give yourself permission to feel and express both happiness and sadness.
Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Leaders can foster happier, more creative, and productive workplaces and enhancing overall morale and innovation by encouraging individuals to express both their personalities and the use of the skills that truly make them happy .
Self-Love and Boundaries: The key to real happiness lies in asking yourself, "Who am I truly, and am I happy as this person?" Falling in love with the qualities that are essential to you helps you make future life choices clear.
Resilience and Gratitude: Even in less-than-optimal conditions, people can create resilience, happiness and gratitude.
Sabrina Mosseau, BS, RN, most recently served as the Executive Director at New York Oncology Hematology (NYOH), the largest cancer center and blood disorder health care provider in New York's Capital Region. With more than 25 years of experience as a health care executive, she led NYOH as a strategic visionary, culture cultivator and was a driving force behind instilling and embodying the ethos of doing what is right for the patient.
Sabrina is published nationally in the arena of patient naviation and is recognized locally as a prior recipient of the Capital Region Chamber Women of Excellence Aware, To Life! Extra Mile Aware, YWCA Resourceful Woman Award and Siena College Profesor Egon Plager Aware. She is also a member of the upstate New YorkVermont Leukemia and Lymphoma Board of Directors and the Siena College Athletics Advisory Council. She also recently had the honor to serve on the Board of Directors for the Capital Region Chamber and was the Chair for the Albany-Colonie Chamber.
You can reach Sabrina:
on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-mosseau
or email: sienabri@gmail.com.

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Happiness Is Your Lifeline with Kim Perone
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
That’s how Kim Perone encourages us to think about happiness because it can keep us alive and engaged with life, especially for those of us who grieve.
Kim was one of those lucky ones who was born happy and encouraged to be happy by her family so it was never something foreign or intermittent. It wasn’t until midlife that Kim experienced two major tragedies: the loss of her young son in a car accident and soon after, the loss of her sister to cancer.
Although her life was turned upside down, her surviving son taught her that living in the now could enable them to find happiness despite what had happened to them.
Key takeaways:
- Give yourself permission to be happy, to see happy and to feel happy, even under the most difficult of circumstances.
- Happiness is a form of appreciation for the life we are given.
- Write down the things that make you happy so that when you’ve temporarily forgotten, you can remind yourself.
- And to those who grieve, she teaches us that happiness will come through our own resilience.
Kim is a Success Coach, Wellbeing Consultant, Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator and founder of The Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (CENTER4C). Kim works with business professionals and organizations offering a coaching form of employee assistance and on and off-site inspiring retreats.
Kim is a Certified Life Coach, with an Master’s degree in Organizational Communication, Certified Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator (CWMF), a Certified Grief Educator, Culture Talk Certified Partner and author of Finding Your Center: The Case for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment (available on Amazon) and podcaster for Find Your Center with Life Coach Kim Perone and frequent co-host of the Slightly Unmeditated podcast available wherever you get your podcasts.
Connect with Kim:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimperone/Email: kperone@center4c.comPhone: (518) 301-3593 Website: https://www.Center4c.com.

Saturday Jun 08, 2024
True Self Expression with Lauren Tatro
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
You've got to light the spark within to bring your soul alive.
That's what Lauren Tatro recommends from the perspective of her wide-angle lens which she uses to point to how we can find that spark for ourselves.
Lauren is an intuitive life coach, brand strategist, advanced Reiki master, podcaster and co-author of The Great Leadership Awakening. She shares her direct experience and her understanding with us in the episode.
Lauren is passionate about embodiment and healing, and helping clients discover their essence and live from that truth.
Find Lauren on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Contact her at: info@discoveressenza.com
Her website: www.laurentatro.com
Her podcast: Messy Leaps (on Apple).

Friday May 31, 2024
Don't be Fearful of Being Fearless With Guest, Ray Smith
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
At 81, Ray Smith credits his happiness to saying "yes" to life, mostly due to the fact that he did not know the word "no"! He never planned but took what came his way, never worried about what wasn't important and learned that you can't be fearful of being fearless.
Ray's eclectic, exhuberant, remarkable, and multi-faceted career began as a dancer on American Bandstand, the first national television show in the 1950s devoted to rock and roll. He's been a dancer, actor, film critic, director and writer. Ray worked on several movies and recently appeared on a documentary about the history of disco music. His dance career included being a member of a Sachiyo Ito's Japanese dance company and the Noche Flamenca Dance Company, where he was the company manager, road manager and Board President for many years. Not the least of his many accomplishments is his 49 year career at NBC TV, for which he won an EMMY award in 2007 for writing and producing.
Ray has an indefatigable love of life which led him to look within and ask the "big" questions, like, who am I and what is my life really about? Through those questions he has discovered what's inside him that makes him content.
May his insights spark yours as well.

Thursday May 23, 2024
Trust Your Inner Knowing With Guest, Robbin Jorgensen
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Join me as we hear the inspiring story of a woman who left the corporate world, took a leap of faith and found happiness and fulfillment by following her heart.
Robbin Jorgensen is the founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change, an organization that unleashes the untapped potential and contributions of women around the world.
Many women in the corporate world find themselves losing their sense of self as the years go by. Often the rigid rules and expectations stifle their creativity and ingenuity, making it hard to express their true gifts and talents. Additionally, many women give up on their dreams because of societal, familial, and cultural conditioning, not realizing that their intuition can guide them towards fulfilling their true potential. How do you know if what you're doing truly fits you? The key lies in tuning into your inner knowing and getting quiet enough to listen, rather than pushing it away. Discover how listening to your inner voice leads to synchronicities and fortunate coincidences that validate your choices as you choose your own path in this world.
In this episode, we explore the importance of trusting this inner knowing. The question isn't "how"—the how reveals itself as you progress. Instead, the real question is "why." Understanding your reason why allows you to transcend fear and disappointment, empowering you to dare to dream.
To contact Robbin, use one of the following links:
Website: www.womenignitingchange.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomenIgniting/
Linked In (Company): https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-igniting-change
Linked In (Personal): https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbinjorgensen
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@womenignitingchange56